Jumping de Achterhoek / Vragender (NED)
Last Update: 30-11-2015 00:42
Jumping de Achterhoek
Time Class Competition Start List Result
  Thursday 26 November 2015
13:00 1 Jumping de Achterhoek Prijs
International Jumping U25
S1, small tour, 1.35m two phases special
FEI art. 274.5.6
Start List Result
14:35 2 CSI Salland Prijs
International Jumping Juniors
S2, small tour, 1.30m two phases special
FEI art. 274.5.6
Start List Result
16:45 3 PSC Lichtenvoorde Prijs
International jumping  U25
S3, big tour, 1.40m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
18:25 L Louis Venhorst Fourage Trophy

Start List Result
20:25 4 Outdoor Gelderland Prijs
International jumping Juniors
S4, big tour, 1.35m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
  Friday 27 November 2015
08:00 5 CSI Salland Prijs
International jumping U25
S5, small tour, 1.35m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
09:25 6 Jumping de Driehoek Prijs
International jumping Ponies
S6, small tour, 1.15m two phases special
FEI art. 274.5.6
Start List Result
12:05 7 Trust Prijs
International jumping Children
S7, small tour, 1.10m two phases special
FEI art. 274.5.6
Start List Result
13:25 8 Veulenveiling Prinsjesdag Prijs
International jumping Juniors
S8, small tour, 1.30m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
15:25 9 Arink Mercedes Prijs
International jumping ponies
S9, big tour, 1.25m against the clock
FEI art. 238.2.1
Start List Result
17:50 10 EQ International Prijs
International jumping Children
S10, big tour, 1.20m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
19:10 11 Morssinkhof Rymoplast Prijs
International jumping U25
S11, big tour, 1.40m two phases
FEI art. 274.5.3
Start List Result
20:40 12 PSC Lichtenvoorde Prijs
International jumping Juniors
S12, big tour, 1.35m team jumping
FEI art. 265.2 /
Start List Result
  Saturday 28 November 2015
08:00 13 Outdoor Gelderland Prijs
International jumping ponies
S13, small tour, 1.15m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
11:05 14 Veulenveiling Prinsjesdag Prijs
International jumping Children
S14, small tour, 1.15m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
12:20 15 Jumping de Driehoek Prijs
International jumping Juniors and  U25
S15, small tour, 1.30/135 against the clock  (in handicap)
FEI art. 238.2.1
Start List Result
14:40 16 EQ International Prijs
International jumping Children
S16, big tour, 1.20m two phases
FEI art. 274.5.3
Start List Result
16:15 B2 Louis Venhorst Fourage Trophy
Finale klasse M

Start List Result
17:50 17 Jumping de Achterhoek Prijs
International jumping ponies
S17, big tour, 1.25m team jumping
FEI art. 264.7 / 264.10
Start List Result
21:10 18 Grote Prijs U25
International jumping U25
S18, grand prix, 1.45m jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
  Sunday 29 November 2015
08:00 19 BIT Prijs
International jumping Children
S19, small tour, 1.10m against the clock
FEI art. 238.2.1
Start List Result
09:05 20 Harry’s Horse Prijs
International jumping ponies
S20, small tour, 1.15m against the clock
FEI art. 238.2.1
Start List Result
11:50 21 Morssinkhof Rymoplast Prijs
International jumping Children
S21, grand prix, 1.25m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
13:25 22 Grote Prijs Pony's
International jumping Ponies
S22, grand prix, 1.25m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result
16:05 23 Jumping de Achterhoek Prijs
International jumping Juniors
S23, grand prix, 1.40m with jump-off
FEI art. 238.2.2
Start List Result